Mount Pleasant Community Policing Centre2025-03-10T12:13:34-07:00
Call 911 immediately to report a serious crime, including a crime in progress or one that might be about to happen.

The Mount Pleasant Community Policing Centre (MPCPC) is a Volunteer Driven non profit governed by a community based Board. The MPCPC Promotes Crime Prevention And Safety In Partnership with residents, community agencies and the Vancouver Police Department.

What We Do:

Act as a liaison between the Vancouver Police Department and community agencies for the benefit of the neighborhood.

Create a safe and inclusive neighbourhood for everyone while supporting the community’s most vulnerable.

Operate a warm and welcoming storefront to connect residents with CPC programs and other community-based services.

Engage the community in volunteer-driven programs to assist with safety, wellbeing and crime reduction.

The MPCPC’s programs and services offer volunteers meaningful opportunities to contribute to the Mount Pleasant Community.


The Mount Pleasant Community Policing Centre’s Information and Referral Services operates from our street front office to address citizens safety concerns, promote crime prevention and provide information about community resources.

The program is operated by trained volunteers and staff with the support of the Neighbourhood Police Officers.


Volunteer patrollers are an extra set of eyes and ears who walk or bike the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood and interact with community members in a non-conformational manner. The volunteers are trained in overdose awareness, personal safety and de-escalation, and report writing. Volunteers report community concerns back to the CPC office for follow up.


The goal of the Road Safety Program is to increase safety in the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood for pedestrians, cyclists, drivers and passengers.

Activities are operated in partnership with the Vancouver Police Department, ICBC, residents, schools and other community stakeholders to address local concerns.


Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design research shows systematic removal of litter and offensive graffiti can greatly reduce crime, vandalism and mischief.  Through cleanups, cigarette butt removal and graffiti paint outs volunteers help make neighborhoods cleaner and connect with community members.


The Community Outreach Program offers a broad range of initiatives to help strengthen the Mount Pleasant Community Policing Centre’s relationship with  community members and stakeholders. The program’s goal is to promote   engagement and provide a bridge between the community and the Vancouver Police Department.





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